Topic: General Detritus


11:14am, Friday 21 November 2003

I found this while I was clearing old junk off my work laptop before handing it back... a list of things that the Red Hat 7.3 upgrade did that annoyed me.

There was no warning or error message for any of these during the upgrade process, which is pretty inexcusable.

  • turned off imap service
  • failed to install LILO when there were missing old kernel images
  • something weird with the ftpd - I think it changed the underlying daemon
  • broke printing (LPRng got installed with remote service disabled)
  • broke YP groups (changed MINGID from 100 to 500)
  • disabled ftpd and rshd without asking
  • amanda user changed operator->amanda which broke scripts and cron jobs

Anyway, they've gone gone all corporate now, so I might not be using Red Hat in the future... might I?

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Dave Holland <>
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