Topic: Computers Making movies


4:54pm, Tuesday 16 September 2003

A recipe for confusion, headaches, and making AVI files from a DVD.

(Fortunately the DVD isn't encrypted, or there'd be even more fun with DECSS.)

I needed to install vobcopy, lame, mplayer, the DivX codec, and transcode to get this going. Probably more stuff that I forgot, too. The final magic voodoo seems to be: transcode -i VTS_01_3.VOB -J dilyuvmmx -V -x vob,vob -o foo.avi -y divx5,divx5

This page was particularly helpful, though avisplit seems to do something evil to the audio/video synchronization which means it's better to just encode the right part at the transcode stage.

I need a faster computer if I'm going to do this on a regular basis.

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Dave Holland <>
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