Topic: General "Call for end to nudists' film outing"


2:15pm, Tuesday 17 February 2004

As seen in the Telegraph (7/2/04): shocking goings-on near where I used to live.

A pastor is demanding an end to nude cinema-going in his market town. More than 100 naturists turn up for regular screenings at a privately-owned cinema in Ramsey, Cambs, and the Rev Jeremy Brooks is demanding that the "immoral" practice be stopped.

Mr Brooks, the pastor of the Salem Baptist Church in the town, said: "The thought that our little town should become such a centre for this kind of immorality with people travelling from as far away as Ipswich, Norwich, Northampton and Nottingham is very distressing to many."

Each month, the naturists gather at the cinema on a Sunday, strip off and watch private screenings of commercial films such as Calendar Girls.

Peter Haddon, a co-owner of the 400-seat cinema, said that the group posed no special problems apart from the fact that the heating had to be turned up.


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