Topic: General Of buddleia and breadmakers


11:04am, Tuesday 4 March 2003

The funniest thing that I've read about the buddleia is that "its growth habit [...] is not neat and tidy". Well, that just about summed up the sprawling monster which was growing up our fence, over the garage, and into the tree in our neighbours' garden. But no more!

Gina has been viciously attacking it with secateurs for the last few weekends and succeeded in uncovering the fence underneath. I took the loppers to it and succeeded in freeing a huge tangled bundle, which fell into our neighbours' garden (oops). Fortunately they offered to burn it. I cut the root off at ground level, notched it, and liberally doused it in unpleasant chemicals. Hopefully, it won't come back.

Our reward for all this effort was the smell of newly-baked bread coming from our new toy - a breadmaker. This thing is magic. I put the ingredients in - making an unpleasant mush which fascinated Joshua - and a few hours later, tasty bread appears. Every home should have one.

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Dave Holland <>
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