Topic: General Orange or lemon cake


9:26pm, Tuesday 13 July 2010

100g margarine
150g sugar
1 lemon, grated and juiced (or an orange)
1 egg, beaten
100g SR flour
7" tin, greased and lined (or save effort with a silicone tin)

(also works well with everything doubled, in a bigger tin)

Melt the margarine in a saucepan and mix with the sugar. Take it off the heat and mix in the lemon rind, then the beaten egg. Fold in the flour and put the mixture into the tin. Bake at 180°C for 25-30 minutes. In the same saucepan (to save washing up) heat the lemon juice and "some" sugar. Stab the cake all over with a fork and pour the syrupy mess over the cake. Try hard not to take it out of the tin until it's cooled.

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Dave Holland <>
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