Topic: Computers Finance::Bank::Barclays now useless


6:27pm, Tuesday 13 November 2007 (Updated 3:09pm, Wednesday 28 November 2007)

Barclays have sent me a PINsentry, a chip-and-pin device which adds two-factor authentication to their online banking service. This is undoubtedly more secure. Yet it's much more inconvenient (I'll need to carry the device with me in case I need to use online banking while out at work or visiting a friend), the login process is more cumbersome and takes longer, and also means that my Finance::Bank::Barclays Perl module is now virtually useless, unless/until someone figures out how to interface the PINsentry to a PC. Robot arm, webcam, OCR...?


Oh, look: "Simple application to work like a PINSentry using any smart card reader supported by pcsc-lite." Time to acquire a card reader!

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Dave Holland <>
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