Topic: General Unsolicited SMS messages


1:33pm, Thursday 15 May 2003

I've received three unsolicited SMS messages in the past week.

Two were telling me I'd won some money in a competition, but strangely I would need to call a phone number costing £1.50/minute in order to claim it. The other was advertising computer games.

How can I stop receiving these? I've heard that the Telephone Preference Service is only for stopping phone calls, not SMS messages; and also I'm wary of giving them my phone number in case it leaks. (At the moment I don't get any unsolicited phone calls.) Orange customer services were useless; when I emailed them, they sent me back pages of advice on dealing with unsolicited email.

I've reported the two messages with the premium-rate phone number to ICSTIS; we'll see what good that does.

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Dave Holland <>
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