Topic: Computers And all because...


10:52pm, Tuesday 11 April 2006 (Updated 11:46pm, Tuesday 18 April 2006)

...I wanted pretty ping graphs like Russell's. So I had to sit down with the CLI manual for my ADSL router. Turns out the command syntax is sufficiently close to Linux iptables that I figured out

firewall rule create chain=sink index=4 prot=icmp icmptype=echo-request action=accept
firewall rule create chain=source index=4 prot=icmp icmptype=echo-reply action=accept
were the runes I required. Now I have pretty ping graphs too!


Argh, a new firmware version has changed the command syntax... This seems to work:

service system ifadd name=PING_RESPONDER group=wan

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Dave Holland <>
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