Topic: Books My reading pile


10:24am, Thursday 10 March 2005

Given that my books page has been woefully neglected recently, I thought I'd jot down a quick summary of the books I've been reading recently.

  • Pompeii - a jolly romp through Roman Italy. The ending is pretty inevitable, but there are some nice twists and turns along the way. It's slightly difficult to imagine Roman characters when they speak with modern turns of phrase, but on the whole that doesn't detract.
  • Tarka the Otter - I read this after being surprised to find that the author was a Fascist.
  • Trade Secrets - some of the ideas in this book seem plausible. Then you find some suggestions which you happen to know are complete rubbish, which makes you doubt the rest...
  • Neuromancer - read it years ago. Got it for Christmas. Read it again. Still love it.
  • Seven Daughters of Eve - fascinating account of DNA evidence helping prove (and disprove) historical theories. Would do better without the author trying to dramatise it so much.
  • A Fête Worse Than Death - so what is "Englishness"? This book casts some light, in a rather silly way.

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Dave Holland <>
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